Friday, May 7, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Video Assignment


Recreation assignment:
I chose the picture to recreate from the album of Sublime, a rock group. I knew it woul be a challenge somewhat, and I could use my favorite subjects. I used the indoor setting with flash. I tried to stick to the integrety of the original photo as possible. The only differences I came across was the child being not as young as the baby in the photo, and not having an accoustic guitar. I improvised with a "ROCKBAND" guitar, however. It was very difficult to keep my son in one place, so I had to bribe him. That pretty much sums up the recreation shoot.


These are all EUP High Jumpers. They were just practicing. In the first picture, where Iit was taken from a distance, they were not aware of my prescence. I then decided to get closer and as the coach if I could take closer pictures. She agreed. These were all taken in the indoor setting. The irony was that she asked if she could use the camera to show the athletes their form, and cited that maybe she would bring hers to the next I thought it was both funny and a good idea.


This is my documentary/Biography in the day of the life of a Postal Worker, which happens to be me. Michelle is the blond. She is srting what we call flats into those cubicles. Flats are like periodicals, newspapers, etc. She is later on sorting mail into the PO Boxes.The other picture are of the Postmaster scanning every package arrival at our unit, so that the customer can track it's whereabout's. The other people are carriers. They are counting their parcels and making sure they are given credit for what they have to deliver. This is just a tip off of the iceberg, in daily routines.


News Flash:
Okay, maybe this isn't something that you may see on the 5 o'clock news, or a community event. However, I think it's equally compelling to see a one year old lift 10 pounds! Yes, that's my son the day after his Birthday at his Grandparent's home. The scoop was we were sitting around talking and out of no where my son, Aidan, or AW for short was either bored or decided he needed a workout. Thankfully I had my camera at the ready! So I guess you could call it breaking news...hehe.

Spring Break

I have to be honest. I had absolutely no spring break. It was all work, no play and no photos. I was stuck working a 40hr work week. Not to give myself a pity party about it, I'm just saying I had nothing to add for spring break like most traditional students in class who did, except maybe David.